04.09.2023 | Lesezeit: 4 Minuten | 499 Ansichten

With the Digital House Panel, gekartel AG is the first supplier on the market to meet the requirements for device-integrated fire protection according to VdS 6024

The way is clear for digitization – instead of further individual case decisions, a nationwide uniform standard for the installation of media technology in sensitive areas such as escape and rescue routes has been available since 01.09.2023 in the form of guideline VdS 6024.
The Vds bulletin ”Fire protection of electrical equipments in sensitve areas” describes, among other things, the requirements for a device-integrated fire protection system to prevent the spread of fire in the event of a defect in the device. gekartel AG is one of the first suppliers on the market to meet the requirements for device-integrated fire protection according to VdS 6024 with its touch display “„Digitale House Board“.

Pioneering a new standard in media technology

Together with representatives of insurance companies, building authorities, planners, testing bodies, independent manufacturers as well as users, gekartel AG has developed the guideline VdS 6024 within a working group (ARGE) under the auspices of the globally recognized institution VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH since the beginning of 2022. The aim was to ensure practical, independent testability of the effectiveness and reliability of device-integrated fire protection components. Because until now, there were no uniform regulations or clear instructions for action when it came to the requirements of fire protection and the approval of media technology for installation in sensitive areas
In order to develop a standardized test and inspection methodology, the Digital House Panel of gekartel AG (as an independent manufacturer) in the 32″ touchscreen TFT panel size was used as the test object. The digital info display in the sizes 32″ and 43″ was equipped with the device-integrated self-extinguishing device E-Bulb™ from the company JOB GmbH.
The uniform nationwide standard VdS 6024 now enables fire protection officers and building authorities for the first time to make a uniform assessment of the installation of media technology. According to guideline 6024, media technology tenders can be issued and submitted offers can subsequently be evaluated accordingly.

Fire hazard potential of media technology

Particularly in sensitive areas such as escape and rescue routes, the extent of damage caused by a fire can be especially high. The so-called “sensitive areas” include necessary stairwells and corridors, foyers, shopping streets or rooms that can accommodate a large number of people.

Therefore, it is necessary to minimize the risk of fire occurrence. This should take into account not only the fire load in the surrounding area, but also the fire hazard posed by electrical equipment itself. According to the Institute for Loss Statistics (IFS), “electricity” (at 32%) and overheating (at 9%) are among the most common equipment-based causes of fire, along with human error (at 19%). Built-in electronic components such as power supplies can overheat and ignite.

At the same time, the use of digital media technology (digital signage) as an information and communication medium, advertising medium, or for wayfinding continues to grow rapidly. At the same time, this brings with it new challenges in the area of fire protection for the prevention of fire incidents. Strict fire protection regulations apply in particular in public areas such as airports, train stations, kindergartens, schools and administrative offices. Rental apartment buildings or commercially used properties also require extensive precautions to protect people and animals.

Example of device-integrated fire protection

The world’s smallest fire extinguisher” , E-Bulb™ has been integrated into the Digital House Panel of gekartel AG. The proven technology of the Job Group – the world’s largest manufacturer of fire extinguishing systems – is based on sprinkler glass technology, which has been proven a billion times over. The device-integrated extinguishing system detects and fights incipient fires before they can spread. When the defined trigger temperature is reached, the extinguishing ampoule bursts and the extinguishing agent it contains is released. In addition, the power supply in the unit is interrupted in the event of a fire. The extinguishing agent is used in a wide variety of systems worldwide.

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