23.11.2023 | Lesezeit: 4 Minuten | 746 Ansichten

At a time when technology is constantly evolving and consumer expectations are rising, companies are constantly looking for innovative ways to improve the customer experience. One such solution can be the integration of artificial intelligence into digital information displays at the point of sale. We have summarized the benefits, current status and concerns for you here.

Personalized product recommendations

One of the key benefits of integrating AI into retail infodisplays is the ability to provide personalized product recommendations. AI algorithms can analyze customers’ purchase history and preferences in real time, allowing companies to make tailored purchase suggestions. This not only optimizes the purchasing process, but also increases the likelihood of a purchase being completed. For example, when a customer buys a camera, the display can recommend complementary items such as memory cards, lenses or camera bags, creating a satisfying and comprehensive shopping experience. At the same time, AI-driven info displays allow retailers to update their stock in real time. Nothing is more frustrating for a customer than falling in love with a product only to find that it is out of stock. If an AI is connected to an existing inventory management system with a pushfeed system, there are further advantages: The AI can make predictions about shopping behavior after collecting relevant data over a longer period of time. In other words, if families do their weekend shopping on a Saturday morning, more sweets will be bought during this period than on a Tuesday evening, for example. With the help of AI, a kind of sales history is created over time for defined products, from which forecasts for inventory management result and purchasing can be optimized. AI is also used in combination with a camera system: customers are filmed and this image data is anonymized by software and sent to the AI. The basis for the AI’s work is therefore, for example, information that the customer is a man in his mid-50s. Data such as location in the store, day of the week or time of day is also included. If the customer is standing at the butcher’s counter after 6 p.m., the AI makes a wine recommendation, as the customer may be buying barbecue food, has a higher income than a young person due to his estimated age and may want to round off the evening with a glass of wine.

The GDPR, which has been in force in the EU since 2018, also ensures data protection. The use of the camera systems described is also only permitted if proof is provided that the image data is fed directly and exclusively to software that anonymizes the data and that it is only passed on afterwards.

Improved customer support

AI-supported media technology should not replace the human assistance of sales staff, but rather support them. AI can also provide support with regard to the shortage of skilled workers: if customers need information about a product that is available on the manufacturer’s website, for example, digital signage solutions can be equipped with chatbots and virtual assistants to provide customers with immediate support. Customers can ask questions about product features and prices or even request instructions on how to use a product while relying on the experience of sales staff. This creates an interactive and informative shopping experience where customers feel well informed and supported throughout their purchase.

The Status Quo

In customer service, AI-controlled chatbots and virtual assistants are increasingly being used to answer customer questions and improve support.

  • Personalized recommendations: AI enables retailers to improve the shopping experience through personalized product recommendations. This is done by analyzing customer behavior and preferences to offer tailored product suggestions.
  • Inventory management: If AI is linked to an existing inventory management system, it can help retailers manage stock levels by providing real-time data on product availability. This minimizes overstocking and bottlenecks, as forecasts can be used to predict demand and optimize purchasing.
  • Chatbots and virtual assistants:  In customer service, AI-controlled chatbots and virtual assistants are increasingly being used to answer customer questions and improve support.

The integration of artificial intelligence via info displays at the point of sale is a game changer for the retail industry. Not only does it improve the customer experience, but it also enables retailers to make data-driven decisions that improve their bottom line. As technology advances, the role of AI in retail will continue to grow, redefining the way customers interact with businesses and ultimately leading to increased sales and customer satisfaction.

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