29.08.2023 | Lesezeit: 3 Minuten | 745 Ansichten
Fire risk of media technology without electronic fire extinguisher
Particularly in sensitive areas such as escape and rescue routes, the extent of damage from a fire can be especially high. So-called “sensitive areas” include necessary stairwells and corridors, foyers, storefronts, or rooms that can accommodate a large number of people.
Therefore, it is necessary to minimize the risk of a fire occurring. This should take into account not only the fire load in the surrounding area, but also the fire hazard posed by electrical equipment itself. According to the Institute for Loss Statistics (IFS), “electricity” (at 32%) and overheating (at 9%) are among the most common equipment-based causes of fire, along with human error (at 19%). Built-in electronic components such as power supplies can overheat and ignite.
The risk for an interior fire results from the installed electronics. As a component with a primary fire risk, the 220V power supply should be considered more closely. Possible causes of fire here include component failure, aging, inadequate solder joint characteristics in purchased parts, and inadmissible operating conditions.