29.08.2023 | Lesezeit: 3 Minuten | 745 Ansichten

Fire risk of media technology without electronic fire extinguisher

Particularly in sensitive areas such as escape and rescue routes, the extent of damage from a fire can be especially high. So-called “sensitive areas” include necessary stairwells and corridors, foyers, storefronts, or rooms that can accommodate a large number of people.

Therefore, it is necessary to minimize the risk of a fire occurring. This should take into account not only the fire load in the surrounding area, but also the fire hazard posed by electrical equipment itself. According to the Institute for Loss Statistics (IFS), “electricity” (at 32%) and overheating (at 9%) are among the most common equipment-based causes of fire, along with human error (at 19%). Built-in electronic components such as power supplies can overheat and ignite.

The risk for an interior fire results from the installed electronics. As a component with a primary fire risk, the 220V power supply should be considered more closely. Possible causes of fire here include component failure, aging, inadequate solder joint characteristics in purchased parts, and inadmissible operating conditions.

Device-integrated “fire extinguisher” prevents spread of fire from the inside

The  E-Bulb™  self extinguishing unit is based on sprinkler glass technology that has been proven a billion times over. It is a glass ampoule filled with a globally approved, harmless, non-toxic, non-corrosive and non-conductive extinguishing agent.
When the E-Bulb™ shatters upon reaching the defined trigger temperature, the contained extinguishing agent is released abruptly. It immediately changes from a liquid to a gaseous state and evaporates without leaving any residue.
In the process, the volume multiplies and fills the protective space according to the specified design construction. By absorbing the energy of the incipient fire, a local cooling effect is generated, which in turn extracts further energy from the source of the fire and thus extinguishes the fire (no oxygen displacement).
At the same time, in the event of a fire, the power supply in the unit is interrupted, thus permanently and reliably preventing a possible re-ignition (comparable to a safety function).


Advantages of device-integrated “fire extinguisher”:

  • reduced risk of fire damage (in 2018, a loss of 50 million euros was incurred in Germany)
  • reduced risk of business interruption
  • acceptance by insurance companies – reduced premiums are often possible

Innovative products “Made in Germany

For product development, fire protection is an important criterion for gekartel AG. The fire protection concept provides for effective measures to be incorporated into the equipment assembly so that the emergence, development or spread of a fire is prevented or reduced to an absolute minimum.


The 3 32″ and 43″ Touch-Displays of gekartel AG were equipped with the “smallest fire extinguisher in the world” to meet the higher fire protection requirements when using electronic media technology (digital signage) in public or semi-public areas. The E-Bulb™ is tested and approved as a fire extinguishing and maintenance-free fuse by VDE, VdS, UL, MPA Dresden, among others. The E-Bulb™ is assigned to the device-integrated fire protection.

Functionality of the "smallest fire extinguisher in the world": the E-Bulb™ self-extinguishing unit. in Slow Mo

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